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Sunday, 30 July 2017

How To Configure Password Protected Directory in IIS 7

How To Configure Password Protected Directory in IIS 7

Step: 1. Install IIS on Windows Server 2008/2012 :

-- Go To "Server Management"
-- Click on "Roles"
-- Add Roles
-- Click on "Next".
-- Select Web Server (IIS)
-- Add Required Features.
-- Click on "Next"
-- Click on "Next"
-- Select Windows Authentication, ASP.Net, CGI
-- Click on "Next"
-- Finally, Click on "Install".
-- Close.

Note: If you have already Install IIS then open Server Management and follow these steps.

-- Expand "Roles"
-- Click on "Web Server (IIS)"
-- Scroll Down the Page & Click on Add Role Services
-- Then Select "Windows Authentication"
-- Click on "Next"
-- Finally, Click on "Install"
-- Close.

Step: 2. Configure IIS Server :

Go To C:\inetpub\wwwroot and Create a "index.html" File & also Create a Directory called "Secret" under Secret Directory create a html file called "sectet.html"

index.html code

<body bgcolor="black">
<h1><center><font size="8" color="white">This is My Home Page...</center></font></h1>
<a href="secret/secret.html"><font size="4" color="yellow">secret.html</a></font></BR>

-- Save the File.

secret.html code

<h1><font size="6" color="black">This is My secret Doc...</font></h1>

-- Save the File.

After created .html files follow these steps.

-- Open IIS Manager.
-- Expand Server Name.
-- Expand Sites
-- Right Click on "Sites"
-- Add Web Site
-- Give Site Name (secret)
-- Select Path (C:\inetpub\wwwroot) Give Hostname (localhost)
-- Click on "OK".

-- Click on Newly created site.
-- Double Click on Default Document.
-- Move Up "index.html".

-- Click on Newly Create site
-- Double Click on Directory Browsing
-- Click on "Enable".

Step: 3. Create A System User :

-- Click on "Start"
-- Administrative Tools
-- Computer Management
-- Expand Local Users & Groups
-- Click on "Users"
-- Right Click on Blank Space.
-- New User.
-- Give Username & Password
-- Click on "Create".
-- Click on "Close".

Step: 4. Security Setup for IIS :

-- Go To C:\inetpub\wwwroot
-- Right Click on Secret Directory
-- Click on Properties.
-- Security (Tab)
-- Click on Advanced
-- Change Permissions.
-- Select Users.
-- Uncheck Include Inheritable Permissions from this object's parent.
-- Click on "Add/Copy"
-- Again Select Users
-- Remove
-- Click on "OK"
-- Again Click on "OK"
-- Click on "Edit" button.
-- Click on "Add"
-- Click on "Advanced"
-- Find Now
-- Select User 'secret'
-- Click on "OK"
-- Click on "OK"
-- Check on "Full Control"
-- Click on "OK"
-- Finally, Click on "OK".

-- After that Go To IIS Manager
-- Expand Server Name.
-- Expand Sites.
-- Right Click on Newly Created Site
-- Double Click on Authentication
-- Right Click on Windows Authentication
-- Click on "Enable"
-- Right Click on Anonymous Authentication
-- Click on "Disabled".

-- Right click on Newly created Site.
-- Edit Permission
-- Security (tab)
-- Click on "Edit"
-- Click on "Add" button.
-- Type 'everyone'
-- Click on "Check Names"
-- Click on "OK"
-- OK
-- Finally, Click on "OK".

Step: 5. Testing through web Browser :

http://Server_ip_address - Page Opening

Click on secrect.html -> It Show Restricted Access.

Give Username & Password.

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