How To Install & Configure rssh on CentOS/RHEL 6x
Q. What is rssh ?
Ans: rssh is a restricted shell for use with OpenSSH, allowing only scp or sftp. It now also includes support for rdist, rsync, & cvs. For example, if you have a server which you only want to allow users to copy files off of via scp, without providing shell access, you can use rssh to do that.rssh is a Restricted Shell for Providing Limited Access to a host via ssh, it allows following Operations only :
1. scp - Secure file copy
2. sftp - Secure FTP
3. cvs - Concurrent Versions System ~ you can easily retrieve old versions to see exactly which change caused the bug
4. rsync - Backup & sync file system
5. rdist - Backup / RDist program maintains identical copies of files on multiple hosts.
Step: 1. Install rssh :
For CentOS :
# cd /tmp
# wget
# yum -y install rssh-2.3.2-1.2.el5.rf.i386.rpm
For Ubuntu :
# apt-get -y install rssh
Step: 2. Grant Access to SFTP & SCP for all Users by Appending :
Note: By default rssh locks down everything including any sort of access.
# vi /etc/rssh.conf
-- Save & Quit (:wq)
Step: 3. Restart the SSHD Service :
# service sshd restart
Step: 4. Create A New User with "/usr/bin/rssh" shell :
# useradd -m -d /var/www/html/ -s /usr/bin/rssh koushik
# passwd koushik
New password:
Retype new password:
Step: 5. Change User's Shell bash to rssh :
# usermod -s /usr/bin/rssh user_name
# chsh -s /usr/bin/rssh user_name
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